Thursday, 21 May 2015

London Bridge Station Redevelopment

Part of this massive £500m station redevelopment project, started in 2013 and completed in 2018, ESH were contracted to design, supply and install a frost protection trace heating system to internal steel sprinkler pipework. The dual circuit system complete with change-over monitoring controllers was designed to maintain the pipework at +5°C in an ambient of -15°C.

Just under 2000 metres of type VCBOJ constant wattage heating cable was supplied and installed during this project.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Hatcham Temple Grove Free School, London

350 metres of H2OWAT65 self regulating heating cable was supplied and installed in order to provide hot water temperature maintenance to the schools HWS pipework.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Lakeside Academy, Telford

Within this new Academy in Telford, ESH supplied and installed a frost protection trace heating system to the external LTHW pipework associated with six air handling unit's. Constant wattage heating cable type VC was used throughout this project.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Roberts Building, Torrington Place, London

Part of the UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering this brand new laboratory is in the heart of London. Here ESH designed, supplied and installed trace heating to provide frost protection to the CHW and LTHW pipework. In total over 250 metres of type VCBOJ constant wattage heating cable was installed by our engineers.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Twickenham Stadium, London

ESH were contracted to test and de-commission an existing trace heating system installed by others. 

Monday, 20 April 2015

Telford Co-Operative Academy

Within this brand new state of the art academy, set to open in September, ESH designed, supplied and installed a frost protection trace heating system to the external LTHW and BCWS pipework on the buildings roof.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Robinson Brothers Ltd, West Bromwich

ESH supplied and installed both the trace heating and thermal insulation to provide temperature maintenance to stainless steel pipework within a Zone I hazardous area. The pipe required to maintain a temperature of +40°C. Our ATEX approved constant wattage heating cable, type SCBXT, was used throughout this project.